Goals for June! (+ Tiny Garden Update)

I went out to see what my garden has been up to these past few days. My pea plants are getting HUGE and guess what else… I see tiny Cilantro shoots coming up as well! So dainty looking. Can’t wait to eat them!

Let’s see how I did with last month’s goals!

1. Make more of an effort to eat well when Chris isn’t home. I think I’ve done pretty well! I try to still eat vegetarian meals. I even eat more eggs when he’s not home because he doesn’t really like them as a meal. I also try to make big batches of healthy stuff and try to make sure I’m making smart snack decisions. 

2. Focus more on being active outside. Ok, so this was kind of a fail for May. But in June I DID start running outside!

3. CRUNCH THAT GROCERY BUDGET! NO. NO NO NO. Stupid grocery bill. I WILL tame you this summer!

4. Keep up with the housework a smidgen better. I try to do some work here and there when I notice it’s dirty and that’s been helpful. As in, I will clean the tub after we get home from the farm because it’ll have a nasty brown ring around it haha and I sweep every day as well! Dishes still get done… Ok… I need to wipe the couch more often with all the doggie dust but it’s a work in progress!

So for JUNE…

1. Continue eating well!

2. Find something that motivates me to work out daily now that my HIIT challenge is over.

3. Run! I installed RunKeeper on my iPhone to track my runs. I set a goal of 10km to run before I leave for a wedding in New Brunswick…

4. Grocery. Bill. Yeah.

There we go! And here I go!

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