Recovering from a Busy Week & Thoughts on #Boston

Today I finally felt like life was back to normal after all of the traveling and buses back and forth to Edmonton (3.5 hours, each way!). I didn’t feel like I needed a nap to keep up. The housework is finally caught up, my son is mostly back to himself and now I can focus on planning our trip to Jasper that is coming up fast!

This afternoon, however, I was perusing my twitter feed and I noticed that everyone was commenting on the Boston Marathon. But not positive, ‘go, Chad, go!’ type messages. Thoughts & prayers messages. I really don’t understand why people continually want to hurt each other. For What? Just think, if these people were diligent in other more productive areas (ending world hunger, stopping corporations from trying to patent and own food, etc.) instead of trying to instil fear into the American public, how much more would get done in the world.

But that’s just my opinion. I also hear that a young child was killed during the explosion. That is horrific to me, and I can’t imagine something like that happening to me. I hope that the people in Boston, native and visiting, can get through this awful ordeal with their heads high and hope in their hearts for justice and a brighter tomorrow.

Anyway, I just wanted to weigh in with my thoughts. I try not to dwell on situations like this. It’s  important to focus on here, and now, and to let those who are important to us know we love them.

3 thoughts on “Recovering from a Busy Week & Thoughts on #Boston

  1. candicebfit

    Yeah, this is sad. What is happening to the world?!? Even Toronto, two mall shootings in the span of a year?? Very scary.

    On a brighter note: yay for being re-adjusted to the time change!

    1. Clair W. Post author

      I wish my son didn’t have to grow up and know about these kinds of people. I hope I can show him there are more ‘good’ people in the world than there are ‘bad’.
      Yes yay! Except now Chris went back to work earlier than we thought and he didn’t sleep at all last night so he asked me to wake him up at 4pm. Two steps forward one step back haha


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